
Safety Campaign at Dyckerhoff Company
18 October 2023

Safety Campaign at Dyckerhoff Company

"Look, think, do it better" or "Look, think, speak" are the slogans of Dyckerhoff's current workplace safety campaign.
As a manufacturing company, Dyckerhoff aims to effectively prioritize the safety of its employees. Our goal is to avoid all accidents, a crucial approach and priority for any enterprise. Achieving this in the best possible way requires a collective effort from the entire company.

In the new safety campaign, we adhere to the principle that "workplace safety concerns everyone." Everyone should feel obligated to care not only for their own safety but also for the safety of their colleagues, guests, and employees of other companies. The approach that considers safety a shared goal helps integrate all employees and create a more responsible work environment.
By utilizing an open information policy, regular training, and instructions, we plan to encourage everyone to act responsibly and safely. This way, we engage in an open dialogue with employees, neighbors, authorities, and other stakeholders. Employee safety is an ongoing process of continuous improvement and collective effort. The more involved both management and employees are, the greater the chance of achieving the goal: preventing accidents and ensuring a safe working environment for everyone.
The campaign is initially planned for one year, divided into four parts, with each stage lasting about three months. It is implemented not only in Poland but simultaneously in other Dyckerhoff locations, including Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, and Ukraine. Through this campaign, we aim to effectively integrate the principle of "workplace safety concerns everyone" into the company culture and help employees feel engaged in creating a safe and responsible work environment.
Dyckerhoff recognizes that employee safety is an investment in the long-term stability and success of the company. It is crucial to consider that workplace safety campaigns are continuous processes. Success relies on ongoing commitment and the pursuit of improving safety standards in the workplace.